Meet the Northeast Vegetation & Mosquito Control Team


Steve Freeman

Northeast Mosquito Control is owned and operated by Steve Freeman. Steve has run the operations of mosquito and vegetation control programs for almost 20 years. He has created a modern, IPM minded organization for mosquito and tick control needs. His focus is on customer service and satisfaction with rapid response to needs, high quality service, and competitive rates.


Justin Adams

Justin runs Northeast’s municipal mosquito control programs. He has 14 years experience in mosquito control and five years of running programs throughout NH and ME. His work focuses on quality service, while following the scientific community’s best practices for mosquito control. Programs focus heavily on larval and adult mosquito surveillance to have a great understanding of the risk and needs in each community. Justin also prepares permits and GIS maps for all projects. With years of experience with state permitting and ArcGIS mapping, he will make sure your program has all the tools needed for success.


Damian Andrada

Damian runs the residential mosquito & tick control department. He has 5 years of experience in this capacity and leads our crew for effective mosquito & tick control. His years of experience identifying mosquito & tick habitats make him the perfect fit to create a plan right for you and your family.

Damian is experienced in leading crews in municipal mosquito and vegetation control as well.